About Us

Call/WhatsApp : +91-9380836749

Email : support@tyfel.com


Our Story

The passion for visual design, application development and motion graphics

Tyfel was started by Syed Kashif as one man army company. Things were messy in the beginning especially fulfilling customer demands and taking note of customer complaints. The main idea was to understand customer behaviour and take into account their interests and expectations. We have a goal to become the best visual design and web development company. We plan to enter Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for advanced game development. 

Our Approach

We know that the user is in the center of every business.

A successful business is one which provides quality. The user is ultimately the one who determines the growth of a company. At Tyfel we never compromise on quality and trust. We are well aware of the challenges faced by clients when starting a new business. We help startups and businesses grow. Today there is a tremendous progress in technology and it is important to update to latest trends to stay ahead in the competition. Tyfel takes this responsibility to make businesses stand out and make a recognition.

How We can Help You

Tyfel seeks information to understand your business goals. We then prepare a list of possible situations which might affect your business. The team gets together and arrives at the best possible solution which is well optimised to suit your business.

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